3-ply, tri-ply, 5-ply Cookware: What's the difference?
If you’re reading this, our guess is you’ve spent time shopping for cookware, which means you’ve probably seen or heard terms like “3-ply”, “tri-ply”, “5-ply” etc. One of the reasons we started Sardel is because we had always found shopping for cookware to be a confusing process, precisely because cookware brands use terms like these without explaining what they mean. So let us explain what we mean when we say that Sardel cookware is 5-ply and why this matters.
In the cookware world, "ply" means "layers." When we say that our cookware is "5-ply," what we mean is that our cookware is made using 5 layers of metal. We use three inner layers of aluminum, called the "core," and two outer layers of stainless steel (one on the top, one on the bottom).
The reason we use both aluminum and stainless steel is because each metal serves a different purpose. Aluminum is great at conducting heat, meaning it heats up quickly and distributes heat evenly. Stainless steel is not as good at conducting heat, but is more durable and easier to maintain than aluminum, which makes it a better choice for the outer layer. When these metals are combined and layered properly, the result is a highly effective, durable, and versatile cookware product––one that heats evenly, adjusts to temperature changes quickly, and lasts a lifetime.
Although 3-ply cookware uses this same combination of materials, 5-ply cookware includes 2 additional layers of aluminum in the "core." These additional layers add additional thickness and create a product that is even more effective at distributing and retaining heat.